In today’s landscape, attracting and retaining Australian workers for regional and remote jobs can present significant challenges. The PALM scheme is a solution designed to bridge these gaps, empower businesses to reshape workforce dynamics, providing a pathway for growth and success within the workforce.
Discover the PALM Scheme’s advantage in enabling eligible Australian businesses to engage workers from nine Pacific Islands and Timor-Leste. When local employees aren’t available, the scheme offers a ready pool of reliable and productive workers to bridge labour gaps across rural and regional Australia.
Eligible businesses can recruit workers for seasonal roles up to nine months or between one and four years for longer-term jobs. This initiative not only benefits business however also equips Pacific and Timorese workers to develop their skills for their own countries whilst supporting their families and communities by sending their income home.
AWX’s PALM Scheme extends to various industries including meat works, fisheries, agriculture and horticulture, accommodation, hospitality, tourism and aged care. By facilitating employment opportunities, we’re fostering a network of positive connections and empowering workers for personal and professional growth.
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme is an Australian Government initiative that allows eligible businesses to hire workers from nine Pacific Islands and Timor-Leste to address gaps and workforce shortages across rural and regional Australia.
PALM Scheme workers are sourced from countries including Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
To join the PALM Scheme, there are a number of eligibility requirements for employers including demonstrating that you are an eligible business registered and operating within Australia as well as not an individual, sole trader or unincorporated company. For the full list of eligibility requirements visit the PALM Scheme website for the application form.
To access the PALM Scheme Employment program, employers must meet a number of practical, financial and worker support related eligibility requirements, including:
AWX has a team recruiting PALM workers successfully, profitably and for longevity, creating growth, reliability, and long-term partnerships across these industries.
We help workers settle in by ensuring all instructions are communicated to the workers and assist them in their transition to living in Australia. We also provide assistance with:
Head office
HQ North Tower
540 Wickham Street
Fortitude Valley Qld 4006